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Hello! I am a freelance, neurodivergent, lgbtq+ artist; I graduated 2022. My works mostly include digital art, traditional art, streaming and cosplays. Though I do indulge in knitting and crocheting too :)Currently, i have commissions open on an array of platforms, e-pal services available, and a redbubble and etsy store in the works! I also have Ko-fi available for donations as well as my amazon wishlist :o) theyre all listed below <3

my socials

!! please use tone indicators with me, I'm autistic and misunderstand things easily!!

they/it/he+ | bi w/ NB preference | polyamorous | 19 | ND | transmasc NB | INFJ/P-T | Gemini

genshin, VnC, mob psycho 100, bungou stray dogs, Alice in Wonderland, soul eater, homestuck, clowns, star rail, komi cant communicate, vocaloid, mekakucity actors, mairimashita! iruma-kun, elder scrolls, cookie run, RWBY, adventure time

kins(full list soon)

basic criteria, hateful/ judgemental, pro shipper, south park fans, eddsworld fans, omori fans, albedo kinnies, fujos, drama/ gossip